Join your fellow Chapter members and your Executive Board for the Chapter meetings held every 3rd Wednesday pf the month, except for December—held 2nd Wednesday of the month—due to the campus winter schedule.
CSEA 262 Selection Committee Representatives Needed
The Mt. SAC Human Resources Department is starting recruitment for open positions again, and your Chapter needs you as representatives to serve on these committees.
Side Letter Ratification
Your Chapter 262 Leadership and Negotiations Teams are proud to announce an agreement with the District to provide limited reimbursement of medical expenses to less than 50 percent classified unit members.
You're Invited! CalPERS Pre-Retirement Webinar
Learn Now How CalPERS Pays You Later — Attend a CSEA Sponsored Virtual Pre-Retirement Webinar for CalPERS Members of All Ages.
Union Steward Training Level 1
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a union steward or want to learn about your rights as an employee or about compliance with the collective bargaining agreement.
A Home Is Where the Heart Is
Association President Ben Valdepeña hopes you will support your union brothers and sisters during this critical time by donating to CSEA's Assistance Fund at
Chapter Meeting Q & A
The following questions were submitted in chat during the August 19 Chapter 262 General Chapter Meeting. All questions were included and answered below.
Side Letter / MOU Ratification
With everyone adjusting to a telecommuting model of operations, some of our Chapter 262 negotiations issues have fallen behind. Now we need to get back on track.
Code Blue: Catastrophic Leave Bank! Stat!
Classified Colleagues, every year several of your classified colleagues across campus unfortunately must apply for catastrophic leave because they have exhausted all their leave balances and need to take extended leave due to medical illness or injury.
Classified Professional Development Day
Classified Professional Development Day is right around the corner, and your CSEA Chapter 262 leadership encourages all to participate.
Selection Committee Representatives
The Mt. SAC Human Resources Department is starting recruitment for open positions again, and your Chapter needs you as representatives to serve on these committees.
Selection Committee Representatives
The Mt. SAC Human Resources Department is starting recruitment for open positions again, and your Chapter needs you as representatives to serve on selection committees.
Committee Representative Needed!
Your Chapter 262 leadership needs a Chapter member who works part-time to represent CSEA 262 on the Classified Professional Development Committee (CPDC).
Selection Committee Training
The Mt. SAC Human Resources Department is starting recruitment for open positions again soon, and your Chapter needs you as representatives to serve on these committees.
Take Action for Equity!
Our Mt. SAC Leadership has united against racism and committed to doing our part to fight racism and promote equity. Take Action for Equity in Education by clicking this link to CORA training through Mt. SAC.
You Are Concerned . . . We Hear You!
During the Summer 4/10 period June 15 through August 8, your work schedule is mutually agreed with your manager and may be different from the college’s business hours.
Summer 4/10 Schedule Reminder
If you have not already done so, you need to arrange your Summer 4/10 schedules with your managers, and start planning any vacations now so you can submit vacation requests and the 4/10 schedule you want.
From Your Executive Board
Let us join together as brothers and sisters to demonstrate our commitment to embrace equality and condemn violence … In Solidarity and Peace.
CSEA Area G Is Celebrating CSEW
Your Area G Director, Ivan Pastrano (circled in picture above), has an awesome week of activities planned, and he wants all of our Area G members to participate and enjoy the festivities!
CSEA May 2020 Chapter Meeting
Please join us for your next chapter meeting on Wednesday. We have several updates and Chapter business items to take care of, so we will be starting promptly at 12pm!