The Classified Professional Development Committee is making resources available to help classified professionals learn more about equity in education. Our Mt. SAC Leadership has united against racism and committed to doing our part to fight racism and promote equity. Take Action for Equity in Education by clicking this link to CORA training through Mt. SAC.
In the campus statement issued by Dr. Scroggins, we were reminded that, “It takes each and every person, working together, willing to speak, act, organize, and lend a hand. We must move forward with intentionality.” You can do this by engaging with your colleagues in meaningful discussions about how all Mt. SAC employees are called to create an equity-minded campus.
The classified Professional Development Committee would also like to invite you to join us this summer in participating in one of our two certificate-based modules:
Racial Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias offered in partnership with CORA (Dr. Frank Harris and Dr. Luke Wood). Visit the Mt. SAC Title V website: to sign up.
Racial Equity and Education Certificate Orientation provided by the California Community College Vision Resource Center. Visit the CCCVRC Website to sign up:
Below is a shortlist of equity resources:
University of Southern California Center for Urban webinar series devoted to equity-minded virtual practices.
TED Talk: Getting at the Root of Racial Injustice, by Dr. Megan Ming Francis.
McNair, T. B., Bensimon, E. M., & Malcom-Piqueux, L., From equity talk to equity walk: Expanding practitioner knowledge for racial justice in higher education. John Wiley & Sons, 2020
Smith, W. A., Allen, W. R., & Danley, L. L., “Assume the position... you fit the description” psychosocial experiences and racial battle fatigue among African American male college students. American Behavioral Scientist, 2007.
Ladson‐Billings, G., But that's just good teaching! The case for culturally relevant pedagogy. Theory into practice, Vol. 34, No. 3, Culturally Relevant Teaching (Summer, 1995).
Twitter Equity Hashtags to Follow:
#Calltoaction #EndRacism #socialjustice #humanrights #equity #activism, #socialjusticewarrior #SupportCCCEducation #CAHigherEd
To learn more about equity resources at Mt. SAC, visit the college’s Title V Curated Equity Resources page at:
CPD-Day 2020 - Your Input is Requested
CPD-Day is scheduled for Friday, August 14, 2020. For the first time ever, this will be a fully online event. The Classified Professional Development Committee would like your input to make this day valuable for you. Please complete the CPD-DAY Classified Staff Input Form by June 19th:
Your CSEA Chapter 262 Executive Board:
Robert Stubbe, President • Rosa Asencio, 1st Vice President • Marlene Espina, 2nd Vice President
Barbara Carrillo, Secretary • Zak Gallegos, Treasurer
Elizabeth Jauregui, Chief Union Steward • Mark Fernandez, Communications Officer
Brandon Gillett, Site Rep Coordinator • Sandra Bollier, Past President
“To improve the lives of our members, students, and community.”
CSEA Chapter 262 • 1100 N. Grand Avenue Walnut, California 91789 • 909.274.6262 •