Side Letter Ratification
Medical Cost Reimbursement for Less-Than 50%
Your Chapter 262 Leadership and Negotiations Teams are proud to announce an agreement with the District that will provide a process for limited reimbursement of medical expenses to classified unit members who work less than 50 percent of a full-time assignment.
Yes, that is correct. Your Chapter Negotiations Team has reached agreement with the District to provide a limited benefit to PART-TIME (less than 50%) permanent classified unit members!
The side letter is available to download on the Chapter 262 web site by following this link:
During the pandemic, the CSEA Board of Directors has granted a waiver to chapters for the purpose of ratifying tentative agreements. For the duration of the coronavirus pandemic which prevents a chapter’s ability to meet due to district closure or shelter-in-place orders or limitations on gatherings, inclusive, Chapter Executive Boards may ratify negotiated agreements. Ratification by the Chapter Executive Board shall be permitted provided that the tentative agreement (or summary) shall be distributed by email or posted on the chapter website and members are provided an opportunity to vote via email, text, conference call, or online polling service.
Pursuant to this waiver, Chapter 262 is providing its members the following tentative agreements, side letters, or memorandums of understanding are available for review prior to the ratification vote.
The ratification vote will be for 10 calendar days on these dates:
Voting Begins Monday, 14 September at 12pm
Voting Ends Wednesday, 23 September at 12pm
A link to the SurveyMonkey ratification vote will be sent to each registered member to the e-mail address registered with CSEA (some will go to Mt. SAC e-mail and others will receive it via your private e-mail). Only CSEA Chapter 262 members are allowed to vote. The e-mail message and link will be unique to you specifically and cannot be used by or shared with anyone else, and the link can only be used once, so make sure you submit your vote before logging out.