On Wednesday, June 12, your awesome Chapter 262 Negotiating Team signed a Tentative Agreement (TA) with the District on Article 9: Health and Welfare Benefits! So now what? We want to explain the next steps involved in this process.
Once the District and CSEA 262 sign a TA, the TA is sent to the CSEA Field Office to undergo our “610 Process” where the TA is reviewed to ensure there are no waivers or violations. This will take between one and three days. If approved, the TA comes back to us.
Next your Chapter President will work with the District to secure sufficient release time to hold one last informational meeting. This will be your last opportunity to ask questions about the TA. You will receive a notice of a Special Information Ratification Meeting at least five days prior to the meeting date along with a copy of the TA. We may have more than one meeting, and maybe on different days and times, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to attend. After the 5 day notice period, CSEA 262 will hold the informational meeting to go over the TA and answer your questions. Watch for that Special Meeting announcement early next week.
To also help you make an informed decision, there will be a Health Benefit Cost Calculator sent out with the meeting notice and that will also be available on the Chapter Web site at http://www.csea262.org along with instructions. This tool will estimate for you the percentage of your unused benefit or out-of-pocket costs depending on your selection of plan, your salary, and the District contribution (which will be tiered for single, two-party, and family plans).
After the information meetings, CSEA 262 will schedule a ratification vote. You will receive another notice for a ratification meeting at least five days prior to that meeting. Your Chapter leadership will ensure there will be multiple times and locations for the vote to take place to ensure you all have a chance to vote. However, there will be no discussions or Q&A. Just the vote.
Once the voting has concluded, the Elections Committee will tally the votes and inform the Chapter President of the results. The Chapter President will advise the Negotiating Team and the Executive Board of the results, and then we will advise the District of the results.
If CSEA 262 members approve the TA, they will then go to the June 26 Board of Trustees meeting for Board ratification.
If the Mt. SAC Board of Trustees approves the TA, then the agreement will go into effect according to the TA agreement.
After the ratifications are complete, the District and CSEA 262 will begin the process of leaving CalPERS and moving to SISC. That will be another somewhat lengthy process, and CSEA 262 will make sure you are well-informed with Chapter meeting updates and Chapter Announcements like this one.
Please make sure you attend the next Chapter Meeting on Wednesday June 19 at 12:05pm in 6-160!