It’s almost here! June 16 through August 10 we are returning to the Summer 4/10 Schedule! Yes, it’s still a few weeks away, but we want to remind you to start planning now. You need to arrange your Summer 4/10 schedules with your managers, so you should start planning any vacations now so you can submit vacation requests and the 4/10 schedule you want.
Article 10.13 of the bargaining agreement explains the Summer 4/10 Schedule, defines the workday as ten hours, and establishes the process for requesting alternative schedules during this period. The Fourth of July Holiday also falls on a Thursday, so we will get a four-day weekend! Police and Campus Safety Officers will still work 24/7 hours and may receive in-lieu-of days for the holiday. Anyone who has any questions about the Summer 4/10 Schedule may contact the Chapter Chief Steward or any member of the Executive Board. Follow this link to the Chapter Web Site for contact information.
Don’t forget about your Floating Holidays! If you have any floating holiday time from the 2018-19 fiscal year, those hours will expire on June 30. You cannot carry over any unused hours to the next year. The good news is that you will gain another 20 hours of floating holiday time on July 1, 2019. Our contract now provides 20 hours per year, which you can use in one-hour increments at any time for any reason (but you do need manager approval).