Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund Opportunity Drawing


Last year during the devastating California wildfires, hundreds of your CSEA union brothers and sisters either lost their homes or suffered damage to their homes or property. The CSEA Dorothy Bjork Assistance Fund stepped up to provide these members with some small financial relief so their families would be able to purchase food, shelter, and clothing.  Prior to the fires, the Assistance Fund had more than $1 million in the reserves. Today, the fund is depleted.  CSEA needs your help to grow the fund for the next families who might need assistance.  Funds raised will be presented at this year’s CSEA Annual Conference by your Chapter Delegates.  Our goal is $2,000. We can do this if just half our current members purchases just ONE ticket!  And you have TWO chances to win!

Tickets Are $5.00 Each

Drawing will be held Wednesday, June 19 2019

at the General Chapter Meeting

Prize #1: $75 Starbucks Gift Card

*Prize #2: Johnnie Walker Gold Label Reserve

750ml Gold Bullion Limited Edition

Tickets may be purchased during any CSEW activity, at the next Chapter meetings, and by contacting Carlos Duarte at 909.274.4233. Winners need not be present to win.  We also encourage you to share this flyer and information with your managers. Managers may also enter the drawing and contribute to the Assistance Fund.


* Prizes have been donated at no cost to members. You must be 21 or older to win the alcohol. ID required. Delivery will be arranged with winner.


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