Some of you have begun asking about when we are going to take the vote about the Health Benefit. As you are aware, this issue is very complex and complicated, but your Chapter Leadership and Negotiating Team have one primary responsibility — to ensure the best deal possible for you!
Your outstanding, dedicated, and extremely thorough Negotiating Team is currently developing language for the tentative agreement (TA) with the District. This TA is going to be one of the most complicated, detailed, informative, and thorough agreements our Chapter has ever negotiated, and we must get it just right.
Once the TA language is completed, as with all contract TA ratifications, we must send the TA to CSEA for review (what we call the 610 process) to ensure there are no legal issues or waivers. Once CSEA has completed that process, we will announce a special information meeting and send you all a copy of the TA for review. The information meeting will be your last opportunity to ask questions about the TA before we take the vote. After the information meeting, we will notify you of the date, time, and location of the vote. This will probably be a special Chapter meeting.
We have sufficient time to meet all the deadlines and goals, but our most important goal is to negotiate the best deal possible for members. We ask for your patience and support while your Negotiating Team and the District complete negotiations.