Classified School Employees Week

It’s time to celebrate!  We celebrate Classified Professionals for the contributions you make to Mt. SAC and the students!  Your CSEA Chapter 262, Chapter 651, Management Steering Committee, and the Classified Senate have banded together to celebrate the essential work you do to support the college, the students, and, of course, your classified colleagues.

Your Chapter 262 Events Committee has planned a week of funtastic events for the week!


Monday May 20 – 9:30am Coffee Break (Rose Garden)

Tuesday May 21 – Appreciation Lunch 11:30am and 12:30am (9C Stage Area)

Wednesday May 22 – 2:30pm Ice Cream Social (9C Patio Area)

Thursday May 23 – 11am Goofy Golf / BBQ (Putting Green)

Friday May 24 – 2:30pm BINGO! (9C Stage Area) / 6pm Night Shift BBQ

Wednesday May 29 – 8:30am Coffee / 9am The Classys! (Sophia B. Clarke Theater)


Come and be ready for a week of something warm, something tasty, something funny, and something social! But wait!  There’s more!!  After this week of food and fun and sun, you’ll probably be full and tired and ready for a rest.  After you enjoy your weekend following Classified School Employees week, TAKE MONDAY OFF

Monday May 27 is the Memorial Day Holiday.  Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed on the last Monday in May to remember and honor all those who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces so we all can enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Take a moment to thank one of Mt. SAC’s many faculty, staff, manager, and student veterans.

The History of Memorial Day  •  Who Is Moina Michael?  •  From Decoration Day Comes Memorial Day

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