Return to Campus Agreement Q & A
We knew you had questions . . . LOTS of questions, and we have heard you! As promised, listed below are the questions and answers from the two information meetings and the Two Hall meeting. Please note that with so many questions, not all of your specific individual questions may appear. Some questions that were similar, duplicated, or statements may have been consolidated or eliminated. The Q&A below is organized by “theme” and then the question in the “A” column and the answer in the “B” column.
How to Use This Page
The Q&A below is organized by the “theme” of the questions — all the questions relating to a similar subject. The questions are in the “A” column, and the answer to the question is in the “B” column. Scroll through the page as needed to read each question and answer. At the bottom of the Q&A are tabs with each “theme.” Click on the tab you want to view, and scroll through the questions and answers.
Please be patient! This is a very large number of questions, and this page will load and operate slowly. We apologize for this inconvenience. Also please note that this page will not function very effectively on a smartphone. Please use a tablet, iPad, laptop or desktop to view this page.