This year’s Puttin’ On the Hits is just around the corner, coming on March 21. This year’s show is being directed by Rondell Schroeder.
POTH is a collaborative artistic effort among faculty, classified professionals, administrators, students, retirees, and even Board of Trustees members to raise money for students. The money raised is not for scholarships but for the Student Achievement Fund, which is actual cash for students who apply and are selected. The entire show is a donation of time and effort, so virtually the entire proceeds of the box office earnings go toward the student fund.
If you are interested in participating, there are several ways to help. The production needs people to help perform, work backstage, work concession stands, marketing the show by selling t-shirts (new this year!) and more. If you’re interested, you can pick up a flyer (attached) or sign up to help by following this link:
The Faculty Association has also made arrangements with Edna Vees public house in Covina to donate 20% of your meal check toward the POTH student fund. This is a one day only offer for March 11, 2020 (which is Karaoke night 7–10pm!). When you order your food, just show a flyer (attached) or mention you are supporting “Mt. SAC’s Puttin’ On the Hits” to get the discount. If you want a flyer and there are none left, contact me, and I will get more.
If you want to see more about Edna Vees, follow this link to their web site: