On Wednesday, June 12, your awesome Chapter 262 Negotiating Team signed a Tentative Agreement (TA) with the District on Article 9: Health and Welfare Benefits! So now what? CSEA 262 will schedule a final information meeting to discuss the TA. Watch for that Special Meeting announcement very soon in campus e-mail.
After the information meetings, CSEA 262 will schedule a ratification vote. You will receive another notice for a ratification meeting at least five days prior to that meeting. Your Chapter leadership will ensure there will be multiple times and locations for the vote to take place to ensure you all have a chance to vote. However, there will be no discussions or Q&A. Just the vote.
To help prepare you for the information meeting and help you make an informed decision, the links below will allow you to download and use a Health Benefit Cost Calculator and instructions for use created by your Negotiating Team. This tool will estimate for you the percentage of your unused benefit or out-of-pocket costs depending on your selection of plan, your salary, and the District contribution (which will be tiered for single, two-party, and family plans).
Please note CSEA 262 has NOT NEGOTIATED any plan and cannot do so until the ratification of the Tentative Agreement reached June 12 is passed by the membership and has been adopted by the Mt. SAC Board of Trustees. The purpose of these documents is to help you with your decision to accept or reject the Tentative Agreement.