As the expression goes, timing is everything. Just in time for our Chapter elections, the new, revised Chapter 262 Constitution (attached) has been approved by CSEA and is now in effect. As you may recall, your Chapter Executive Board proposed changes to the Constitution to permit online balloting so members can vote on contract ratifications and chapter elections online thus enabling potentially more members to participate (although we average around fifty percent now, which is awesome!). We are working to get that system in place in time for the Chapter Elections in December.
Speaking of Chapter elections . . .
The October 16 Chapter meeting is going to be a very busy one, so mark your calendars and plan to attend. On the agenda will be in part:
Initial Proposal (IP) for the 2020-2023 Successor Bargaining Agreement — You will receive notification and a copy of the IP by October 9 so you can review the IP, ask questions, make motions to add to, change, or otherwise comment on the IP before it is submitted to the District by October 31.
Nominations for Chapter Officers (odd years) — Chapter officer elections will open with nominations for each office coming from the Nominations Committee and open nominations from the floor. Chapter Officer positions up for election this year are 1st Vice President, Secretary, Chief Union Steward, and Site Representative Coordinator (follow the link to view the officer duties).
With the revised Constitution also comes changes to officer eligibility. Eligibility requirements for all Chapter Officers include:
Active member in good standing
Continuous Chapter membership (Note: not employment with Mt. SAC) for six calendar months preceding the month nominated
Must have attended a minimum of four Chapter meetings during the 12 months prior to the month nominated
See the Chapter web site for the Article IV, Section 3 eligibility requirements and to view or download the revised Chapter Constitution.