Volume 2 • Issue 22 • 27 November 2020


The calendar year is drawing to a close.  Of course, that means we’re only halfway through our school year.  The arrival of December means that we are approaching a full year of working from home due to the pandemic.  Some may view this as a somber milestone, but I choose to celebrate the success that this actually represents.  

Although we’ve been dealing with this alternate working reality since last March, it has not stopped us.  We are still here, our work is still getting done, and our students are still learning.  We are still holding chapter meetings with bigger attendance than we’ve ever had, and we are all still employed.  Not one position has been proposed to be laid off.  Therefore, let us not allow this milestone dampen our spirits, but instead let it steel our resolve to see this through to the end.  

This is a season of thanks, so I would like to share the things that I am thankful for this holiday season:  I am thankful to work at MT. SAC, the best community college in the state, maybe even the whole country! (in my humble opinion).  I am thankful to my colleagues for still making me laugh, supporting me, and allowing me to support them.  I’m thankful for an awesome union that supports and encourages its members at all levels, I’m thankful for an awesome executive board to help lead our chapter, and, most importantly, I am thankful to you, my fellow chapter members.  I am humbled to have served you for the last two years and I look forward to continuing to serve you as your Chapter President beginning January 1st, 2021.  

No matter the holiday you celebrate this season, I wish you and yours peace and joy.


Welcome Your 2021 Chapter 262 Executive Board

It would be fair to say that this past year 2020 was full of surprises.  Charles Dickens must have been channeling Nostradamus when he wrote these most famous opening lines to a novel…

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.”

As we look forward to a new year, your CSEA Chapter 262 Leadership sends best wishes and hopes for a new year full of the best of times.  We all have certainly had enough of the worst of times.  We all hope the new year will be a season of light with a spring of hope as we look forward to everything before us.

Before us now is a coming new year, and with it a (sort of) new Chapter Executive Board.  At the December Chapter meeting, Beverley Heasley (Senior Systems Analyst/Programmer, Information Technology) was elected the new 2nd Vice President.  The offices of President, Treasurer, and Communications Officer were unopposed, so your 2021 CSEA Chapter 262 Executive Board is:

President, Robert Stubbe
1st Vice President, Rosa Asencio
2nd Vice President, Beverly Heasley
Secretary, Barbara Carrillo
Treasurer, Zak Gallegos
Chief Steward, Liz Jauregui
Communications Officer, Mark Fernandez
Site Representative Coordinator, Brandon Gillett
Past President, Sandra Bollier

And Good Riddance!


‘Tis the last week of work for this most interesting year,

We say goodbye 2020 with a cup of “good cheer.”

We will look to the future, not dwell on the past.

Experience has taught us these things do not last.


The new year looks hopeful, and Why? You might ask.

Because our spirit is high, and we’re up to the task.

We will meet any challenge! We embrace the unknown!

We are Mounties!  We are family!  We are not alone!



How to Submit for Reimbursement

Your Chapter 262 Leadership and Negotiations Teams reached agreement with the District that will provide a process for limited reimbursement of medical expenses to classified unit members who work less than 50 percent of a full-time assignment.

Many part-time unit members have begun making use of this benefit.  Some have asked about what they need and how they can make a request.  Below is the information you need if you want to make a reimbursement request.

Calculation of Back Benefit 


Those unit members in paid status, less than 50% assignment, who were unable to access their contractual health benefit amount, shall be credited the “Back Benefit” amount calculated as follows:


Year of continuous eligible Less Than 50% Total Back Benefit Amount* 

2016  $500 

2017  $500 

2018  $500 

2019  $1,200 

January 1, 2020 – September 30, 2020  $900 

October 1, 2020 – September 30, 2021 $1,200

*Annual amounts listed in each row are added together based on eligibility.

Medical Reimbursement First Year Contribution

Please complete the CSEA 262 Mt. SAC Medical Reimbursement Submission Form and attached required documentation per the guidelines outlined below.

For the October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 benefit year, unit members in paid status in a less than 50% assignment shall receive the Back Benefit amount specified above, less any reimbursement already paid, deposited into a District managed CSEA 262 medical reimbursement account.

Medical Reimbursement Eligible Expenses

You can use your funds to pay for a wide variety of health care products and services for you, your spouse, and your dependents. The IRS determines which expenses can be reimbursed by an FSA.

For a list of eligible expenses please visit: American Fidelity

Receipt Requirements

You must have a receipt or an explanation of benefits from your insurance carrier for each health care claim you submit against your account. Credit card receipts, canceled checks, and balance forward statements do not meet the requirements for acceptable documentation.

For quick processing, example of receipts would include these five pieces of information:

  1. Patient's Name – the name of the person who received the service or for whom the item was purchased. For retail store purchases, this information may be excluded. 

  2. Provider's Name – the provider that delivered the service or the merchant where the item was purchased. 

  3. Date of Service – the date when services were provided or the item was purchased.

  4. Type of Service – a detailed description of the service provided or item purchased. A pharmacy prescription receipt is sufficient for prescriptions. 

  5. Cost – the amount paid for the service or product and/or the portion that is not reimbursed through your insurance carrier.

Thank you for your submissions, as this reimbursement process develops, we thank you for your patience.


Save the Date: It’s A (Virtual) Party … With Prizes!


A Christmas Party on the G-Train!

This is going to be a Holly Jolly good time for ALL our members.  We don’t want anybody to miss out.

We will have fun and games, with prizes (of course), a few special guests, a talented Disney artist who will teach us all to draw a fun Christmas picture, a visit from Santa and so much more.  This year has been rough for all of us and we want to spread the JOY and Christmas Cheer to all of our dedicated hard-working members.  We can all use a little fun and laughter!  The Zoom event is this

Friday, December 18 5pm

So get your ugly Christmas sweaters out, pour yourself some hot chocolate and let’s end this year with a Holly Jolly Good Time on the G-Train!!!  Don’t miss out!

Click this link to Join the Party!

ID: 95470080846  •  Password: 499584


Welcome to Mt. SAC: New Classified Professionals

At the December 16 Board of Trustees meeting, the college welcomed these new or promoted classified employees:

Permanent New Hires:

  • Ebony Coburn, Instructional Designer (POD)

  • Catherine Flores, Fiscal Technician II (Fiscal Services)

  • Suzanne Ponce, Fiscal Specialist (Fiscal Services)


  • Marina Alkasas, Enterprise Network Administrator (Information Technology)

  • Kasteel Gumban, Fiscal Specialist (Fiscal Services)

  • Judy Kim, Fiscal Technician II (Fiscal Services)

During our current telecommuting period, send an e-mail and welcome them to Mt. SAC.  Extend a warm welcome, invite them to a Zoom lunch or to lunch when we all return, and, if they work in your area or near you, make them feel welcome.  Invite them to and encourage them to attend the next “virtual” Chapter meeting so they can introduce themselves.


A Message from Your CSEA President

Ben Valdepena, President California School Employees Association

Hello fellow brothers and sisters,

The spirit of Thanksgiving is alive even if we are living in unprecedented times. The holiday gives us a chance to reflect on what you are grateful for and, despite the uncertainty of this year, there is one thing that is certain: I have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for my health in addition to my friends, family and each and every one of you.

Being able to call you my fellow union brothers and sisters is a blessing in many ways. Your dedication and passion to your job and the students, staff and families you serve is inspirational. You continue to prove your worth as essential workers and step up to the challenge, even more so since the coronavirus changed our lives and the way we work earlier this year. The holiday season is upon us and I hope you take the time to relax, refresh and revitalize yourselves after all the work you have accomplished and adapted to this year so far.

Thanksgiving is traditionally a time marked with food, friends and family who gather around. While it may be tempting to come together in such celebration to try and grasp on to whatever sense of normalcy we can during this trying year, I ask that you resist the urge to ensure you and your loved ones stay safe and healthy. I know I, for one, will be practicing what I preach. The fact of the matter is COVID-19 cases are on the rise and most of the counties across California have returned to the more restrictive purple tier. Additionally, many areas are subject to a curfew announced by Governor Gavin Newsom in hopes of curbing the surge in cases.

The work we do is essential to schools running smoothly and to our students’ education, which is why we all need to stay safe.

Remember, we have made it nearly nine months since our way of life has changed and this has become the new normal. As we enter cold and flu season and the holiday season, it’s important to remember that staying safe and finding alternatives to traditional festivities is of utmost importance during this time. It’s not worth risking yours or your loved one’s lives for otherwise brief days of enjoyment. After all, if we keep our guards up and remain diligent, we will be able to overcome this stronger than before.

Until then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember that CSEA could not function without all its members and staff. Thank you for all that you do and continue to take care of one another by maintaining social distancing, wear your masks, wash your hands and be grateful and appreciative of each day you have.

In Solidarity,

Ben Valdepeña
Association President


CSEA CalPERS Pre-Retirement Webinar

Tuesday 2 March 2021 5:30pm

It's never too early to learn how CalPERS pays you later for a lifetime. Learn all about your CalPERS pension rights and benefits. As we keep our members health and safety the highest priority, CSEA is not currently holding in-person events. However, CSEA's Pre-Retirement Committee has arranged to bring you free online webinars. All CSEA members who are CalPERS members are invited to attend. Space is limited. Pre-registration is required. Hear from CalPERS Board Member, Rob Feckner and CSEA Member Benefits Coordinator, Debb Jachens, as well as additional speakers. Learn all about: 

  • The state of CalPERS (Your pension remains strong)

  • What benefits are available to you now and in the future

  • What information CalPERS uses to calculate your retirement

  • Options for retirement

  • The importance of the CalPERS Power of Attorney form

  • Learn how to obtain an estimate of your benefits

  • Get your questions answered in real time

  • The benefits of staying a member of CSEA when you retire by joining the CSEA Retiree Unit

Follow this link the register for the pre-retirement webinar.

Once you RSVP, you will receive a confirmation email with the link to join the webinar via the Zoom app on your smartphone, computer, or smart tablet. Save this email as it will have the link in it to join the webinar.  You will also receive a reminder email with the link to join the webinar the day before the meeting.


Support the CSEA Assistance Fund With Amazon Smile

You now have another way to donate to CSEA members in need. When you shop at Amazon Smile, 0.5% of your purchases go towards the CSEA Assistance Fund. It doesn’t add any cost to your purchase, because the money is donated by Amazon.

To designate the CSEA Assistance Fund as your Amazon Smile charity, follow the directions below. After that, be sure to always go to smile.amazon.com instead of amazon.com. That way you will automatically make a donation each time you make a purchase. You can even track how much you have donated towards the Assistance Fund.


  • Go to https://smile.amazon.com

  • Log in if you have an Amazon account or create an account

  • If you are a new user, verify your account by checking your email for a One Time Password (OTP). Enter the code and click "Create your Amazon account"

  • Search for CSEA Assistance Fund

  • Select CSEA Assistance Fund, location San Jose

Enjoy this video of the Humanitarian Committee; First Vice President, Shane Dishman, Second Vice President, Adam Weinberger, Association Secretary, Monica Han and Past President, Allan Clark, as they are getting ready for the holiday season with Amazon Smile.


What is Amazon Smile?

Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. Everything at Amazon Smile is the same as Amazon.com—including the same selection and the same prices. The only difference is you get the added bonus of Amazon donating a portion of your purchase to your charity, the CSEA Assistance Fund.

Purchases made using the Amazon Shopping App or Kindle store applications do not count towards Amazon Smile charities. Be sure to log in to smile.amazon.com using a web browser like Chrome or Safari. Also, subscription purchases do not count in Amazon Smile.

Not an Amazon Shopper? Still want to show your support?

Contribute to the CSEA Assistance Fund today and help members in need of financial relief or assistance in times of crisis. You can donate by clicking here or by calling CSEA Member Benefits at (866-487-2732), option 1.

For additional questions or assistance, call CSEA Member Benefits at (866) 487-2732 or email memberbenefits@csea.com.
