Volume 2 • Issue 19 • 9 October 2020


Part-Time Classified Medical Expense Reimbursement

In the September 11 edition of Strictly Classified, we reported that your Chapter 262 Leadership and Negotiations Teams reached a historic agreement with the District that will provide a “back-benefit” allowance for eligible medical, dental, and vision expenses to classified unit members who work less than 50 percent.

Since then, many members have been asking questions about this benefit and how it works.  In summary, the benefit was to permit part-time members to receive some health benefit since the health benefit provider (SISC) does not permit part-time participation or opt-out options.

If you are a part-time unit member and incurred medical expenses such as prescription medications, office visit co-payments, physical therapy, etc., you can submit a receipt and claim from the District for up to $500 for the years 2016, 2017, and 2018.  For 2019 the amount is $1,200.  If you have saved the receipts for these expenses, you can submit a reimbursement claim to Human Resources.

Starting January 1, 2020, the benefit amount will be $900.  This fund does not roll over year to year (adding unused funds from last year to the new year) but renews each year for a total of $900 per year, so make sure you save receipts and submit your reimbursements.  


CSEA 262 Supports Cyber-Security Efforts

October is Cyber Security month, and to support the ongoing education and dissemination of information to classified professionals regarding the importance of practicing good and safe computer practices, CSEA 262 will reprint articles from Mt. SAC’s Director of Infrastructure and Data Security, Chris Schroeder.

To kick off National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) for 2020, below are tips to help protect your digital self at home and at work from phishing attacks.  With everyone working from home due to the pandemic, these attacks have sharply increased.

Be Aware of How Cybercriminals Lure You In

Below are examples from the Federal Trade Commission’s OnGuardOnline website showing what attackers may send when phishing you for sensitive information: 

  1. “We suspect an unauthorized transaction on your account. To ensure that your account is not compromised, please click the link below, and confirm your identity.”

  2. “During our regular verification of accounts, we couldn’t verify your information. Please click here to update and verify your information.”

  3. “Our records indicate that your account was overcharged. You must call us within 7 days to receive your refund.”

  4. Play hard to get with strangers - Links in emails and online posts to malicious sites are designed by cybercriminals to compromise your computer. If you’re unsure who an email is from, do not respond, and do not click on any links or open any attachments in that email. Be cautious of generic greetings such as ‘Hello Bank Customer’.  These are typical signs of phishing attempts. Call the company directly to confirm legitimacy of the questionable message.

 Think before you act - Be wary of communications that require you to act immediately. Phishing emails attempt to create a sense of urgency.  If you receive a suspicious email that appears to be from someone you know, call them directly. If the email comes from an organization, yet still looks ‘phishy,’ contact them via a known and vetted communications channel.

Protect your personal information – Cybercriminals can gather key details about you, such as your job title, multiple email addresses, full name, and more that may be published online.  This can be used in a direct spear-phishing attack against you. Cyber criminals also use social engineering with this information to manipulate you into skipping normal security protocols.

Be wary of hyperlinks - Avoid clicking on hyperlinks in emails and hover over links to verify authenticity.  When in doubt, report it by contacting the IT Help Desk at helpdesk@mtsac.edu.



Work & Family Month


In 2 003, the United States Congress designated October as “Work and Family Month.”  During the month of October, employers throughout the United States are encouraged to promote healthier and more flexible work environments for their employees.  Mt. SAC has its Wellness program, which is one of the ways the District supports its employees balance work and health.  It is a good start.

The National Study of the Changing Workforce (NSCW) has compiled data that suggests employees thrive in positive work environments that show the organization cares for its employee’s overall well-being.  This caring environment often results in improved job performance, more effective leadership, improved health, greater worker satisfaction, and better work-life balance among the employees.  

Today’s families come in all shapes and sizes, and employees find themselves facing many responsibilities between work, family, and personal life.  Mt. SAC employees are no different.  During the past six months of the COVID-19 pandemic, balancing work and home responsibilities has never been made more clear, and the need to support classified professionals find a healthy balance has never been greater.

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has identified seven essentials to an effective workplace that benefits employers and employees. SHRM’s Effective Workplace Index consists of:

  1. Job Challenge and Learning Opportunities

  2. Supervisor Support for Job Success

  3. Autonomy

  4. Culture of Respect, Trust and Belonging

  5. Work-Life Fit

  6. Satisfaction with Wages, Benefits and Opportunities to Advance

  7. Co-worker Support for Job Success

Does Mt. SAC meet these essential elements of an effective workplace?  Which of these are present?  Which are missing?  What can we do about it?  If you have any ideas, comments, or suggestions, speak up at the next chapter meeting and voice your ideas.  If we want to improve our work-life experiences at Mt. SAC, we need to hear from you.


A Message from Your CSEA President

Ben Valdepena, President California School Employees Association

Hello fellow brothers and sisters,

Now is the time for us to stand tall and make our voices heard, loud and clear.

Election Day is just over three weeks away, and many of us have already received our ballots in the mail. Let’s use our vote to elect a government that supports our students' rights to a quality public education, that supports our right to earn a good living, and supports opportunity and equality for every person.

We are asking CSEA members to vote YES on Proposition 15. This ballot initiative will provide the reliable and fair funding source our students deserve, without raising taxes for hard-working Californians like our members. In addition to Prop 15, CSEA is supporting pro-education, pro-labor candidates throughout the state.

To help get the message out about Prop 15, CSEA volunteers have been phone banking and sending out text messages to members. If you receive one of these text messages, I want you to know that these are real messages from CSEA volunteers meant to keep members informed leading up to Election Day. Communicating by email or through text messages in one of the best ways we have to keep you up to date while we are unable to meet face to face. If you have not done so already, make sure to update your personal contact information with the Member Benefits department.

I am truly inspired by the volunteer efforts of our members, and this election has been no exception.

CSEA members have also shown an outpouring of support for those affected by the massive wildfires around the state. The CSEA Assistance Fund, which is supported solely by your generous donations, provides help to members in need. If you need emergency assistance or if you are able to donate to the fund, please visit csea.com/assistance.  

I would like to thank all of our members who give of themselves to support one another and help their union. Please remember to be safe, practice social distancing, wash your hands and wear your mask. Most of all remember to smile and take a moment to reflect on the fact that you are part of this family, our CSEA family.

In Solidarity,



Ben Valdepeña
Association President

CSEA CalPERS Pre-Retirement Webinars

It's never too early to learn how CalPERS pays you later for a lifetime. Learn all about your CalPERS pension rights and benefits. As we keep our members health and safety the highest priority, CSEA is not currently holding in-person events. However, CSEA's Pre-Retirement Committee has arranged to bring you free online webinars. All CSEA members who are CalPERS members are invited to attend. Space is limited. Pre-registration is required. Please see the list of dates/times below and click on the link to register. Hear from CalPERS Board Member, Rob Feckner and CSEA Member Benefits Coordinator, Debb Jachens, as well as additional speakers. Learn all about:

  • The state of CalPERS (Your pension remains strong)

  • What benefits are available to you now and in the future

  • What information CalPERS uses to calculate your retirement

  • Options for retirement

  • The importance of the CalPERS Power of Attorney form

  • Learn how to obtain an estimate of your benefits

  • Get your questions answered in real time

  • The benefits of staying a member of CSEA when you retire by joining the CSEA Retiree Unit

October 14 – 4:45 to 6:15 p.m. 


November 10 – 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. 


December 5 – 10:30 a.m. to Noon 


As we keep our members health and safety the highest priority, CSEA is not currently holding in-person events. However, CSEA's Pre-Retirement Committee has arranged to bring online webinars. All CSEA members who are CalPERS members are invited to attend. Space is limited. Pre-registration is required. Please see the list of dates/times below and click on the link 


No-Cost College Programs for CSEA Members

CSEA is proud to offer two no-cost college programs for you and your family members. Take college classes for professional growth, personal enrichment, or to earn an Associate or complete a bachelor’s degree, all at no-cost for tuition, books, and fees. Find out how by attending this free webinar

The online Associate degree program is offered in partnership with Eastern Gateway Community College and the online Bachelor's degree completion program is offered in partnership with Central State University. Both are regionally accredited, public, and not-for-profit institutions based in Ohio. Degree programs are offered at no-cost for tuition, books, and fees* for CSEA members and their family members.  

Attend this Free Webinar and Learn:

  • All about the college partners

  • Who is eligible to attend

  • How to apply and what is needed to apply

  • What degree programs are offered, including how to earn a teaching credential

  • How credits transfer in and out (both colleges are fully accredited)

Register: Space is limited, and pre-registration is required. Please select and click on one of the dates below and follow the steps to reserve your space.

Thursday, October 22 – 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.  https://actionnetwork.org/events/csea-webinar-csea-no-cost-college-programs-for-you-and-your-family-members-3?source=direct_link&

Tuesday, November 10 - 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. https://actionnetwork.org/events/csea-webinar-csea-no-cost-college-programs-for-you-and-your-family-members-4?source=direct_link&

Contact CSEA Member Benefits at (866) 487-2732 or at memberbenefits@csea.com if you have questions.
