This TA sets the holiday calendar through the end of this contract (June 30, 2023).
TA #2: Article 9 – Health and Welfare Benefits
This updates the district contribution to relfect the current SISC rates, so that the Kaiser "15/5/20", base dental, vision, and basic life insurance, is covered 100% by the district contribution.
TA #3: Article 13 – Leaves of Absence and Related Matters
This creates a new type of leave, called "baby bonding" in alignment with the California Family Rights Act, and expands its use to cover both parents if both work for Mt. SAC; it removes the cap on the use of accrued sick leave for "family illness" leave; and it adds 160 hours of PAID FMLA as a new benefit for unit members.
TA #4: Article 17 – Classification Procedures
This is a major overhaul of the classification/reclassification/paygrade processes. We streamlined process, increased transparency, and revised committee operations to make the process more accessible, transparent, and attainable for unit members.
TA #5: Article 2 – Terms of Agreement
This ammends the dates of the contract to cover the three years this successor agreement cover (contracts are for three years, and the previous contract was dated July1, 2017 through June 30, 2020. This contract is July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023).
MOU — Police Officer Probation
This agreement sets the probation period for Police Officer (ONLY the Police Officer classification) at 1 year, in alignment with the California commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) Both of the other community colleges in Southern California who have police departments have done the same thing with their Police Officer classification.
MOU — Successor Agreement Carryover
This preserves our ability to negotiate the items that we didn't get to because of the negative impact of the pandemic on our ability to negotiate through most of 2020. We will continue to negotiate the items from our 2020 initial proposal in 2021.
Side Letter — Vacation Accrual
This agreement removes the vacation cap on how much vacation can be rolled over into sick time. It also sets up some incentives for unit members who can to take vacation time during the pandemic.